tirsdag 18. februar 2014

16 Things That Happen When Volunteering Abroad

Always wanted to contribute to society, make a difference? Or just live in an exotic country and meet interesting people? Here's a list of things that will most likely happen on your internship abroad, which you might want to consider before starting your endeavor to save the Third World.

Bring it on, world! 

1)  The infamous culture shock. You guys do what?

No matter how silly it sounds, you better adapt or die. Chances are, there is no good explanation for everything, so don't waste your time looking for it. Most likely there are equally weird customs in your home country, you're just so used to them you don't even notice. 

2) The first day at work. This never gets better does it?

After your first day you will probably have mixed up your colleagues names and insulted at least a handful. Don't worry, it gets better!

3)  The horror after your first visit to the bathroom.

Privacy is overrated...

4) Your job description does not match what you're expected to do at work.

How hard can it be to get this one right?

5) The local food. Being adventurous and trying out the cockroach stew, or busting your budget by getting a sald?


Simple equation: Street food= upset stomach.

6) The constant traffic jam. 

Isn't rush hour supposed to be confined to the morning and evening? And why is everyone moving in slow motion?!

7) Overtime.

A 9-5 job suddenly seems tempting after your second weekend in a row organizing an event with limited turnout.

8) Dead time.

Why is there no in-between?

9) When it's two hours till lunch break and you've already finished your lunch.

Is there a Starbucks nearby?

10) Walking alone at night and creepy guys call at you

Please don't follow me, please don't follow me...

11) The language barrier.  Sometimes this seems to be impenetrable, and you really start to wonder if you speak the same langauage or even come from the same universe.

No, that is not what I meant, but whatever...

12) The moment you finally realize what your NGO actually does. 

Vision, schmission. Why couldn't anyone just told me that we work with poor people?

13) The climate. And oh, the humidity...

I'm never complaining about the weather again.

14) The homesickness.

This is something you never really can shake off, but you learn to live with it.

15) The feeling when your return date starts approaching.

Because you've already marked your calendar, obvi.

16) When you've finally settled down and made some really good friends...

 ... it's time to leave!

But it's okay, because you know there are more interesting places and cool people around the world, just waiting to be discovered.

 So you hit repeat.

3 kommentarer:

  1. No hadde æ skrevet en kommentar, men det blei borte vekk. Essensen va as follows. Artig blogg!! Godt å vite at du leve og æ glede mæ til neste innlegg:)

  2. Æ sir det samme som ho Sonya! Tenke på dæ og glede mæ til å se dæ igjen i fremtida en gang, hehe. Klem fra vicy_dess <3

  3. Hehe takk, så artig å høre! ja vi må jo få til en hyttetur i sommer eller noe ;)
